Florida Mass Tort Litigation Law Firm

 If you or your loved ones have been affected by negligence, unsafe products, or dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, we understand the difficulty of your situation. At Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, we are committed to fighting for your rights and seeking the justice you deserve. With a remarkable track record of over $2.6 Billion in verdicts and settlements, our highly experienced team specializes in handling cases related to mass tort litigation.

Written and edited by our team of expert legal content writers and reviewed and approved by Daniel Harwin

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Mass tort litigation is a highly technical legal process. At FHVG, we genuinely care about your well-being and aim to guarantee that your voice is heard and your rights are protected in a court of law. Please contact us today at (954) 467-6400 or by online form to take the first step towards holding those responsible for your injuries accountable and securing the rightful compensation to support you through this challenging time.

What is a Mass Tort?

A mass tort is a legal action that permits a large number of individuals to sue one or several defendants in state or federal court. Unlike a class action where plaintiffs must share a single judgment or settlement, in a mass tort action, each plaintiff can be awarded damages based on their individual circumstances. Mass torts often arise when a defective product or dangerous drug harms a significant number of people.

Types of Mass Torts Freedland Harwin Valori Gander Handles

As champions in the fight for justice, Freedland Harwin Valori Gander has a vast experience in handling mass tort litigation. Here are some specific areas we are currently focusing on:


The opioid epidemic has spread across the United States, with millions impacted by the addictive nature of these drugs. Manufacturers and distributors of opioids are under scrutiny for their role in fueling this crisis. 

  • Litigation Status: Numerous lawsuits have been filed against opioid manufacturers and distributors across various states. Several companies have reached settlements, while others are still in the midst of litigation. The cases are centralized before one federal court for pretrial proceedings as multidistrict litigation (MDL).

Hernia Mesh:

Hernia mesh, designed to support tissue during hernia repair surgery, has faced allegations of design defects leading to health complications. 

  • Litigation Status: Multiple manufacturers are involved in hernia mesh lawsuits. Some have opted for settlements, while others are still navigating through trials. As with opioids, many of these cases are part of MDLs.

L'Oreal Hair Relaxers/Straighteners:

Studies cited in L’Oreal hair relaxer lawsuits link harmful endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair relaxers, such as phthalates. Phthalates are a group of chemicals that make plastic more durable. Injuries described in the lawsuits filed include uterine cancer, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and preterm delivery.

  • Litigation Status: Lawsuits have been filed alleging that manufacturers knew about the harm these products could do and failed to warn consumers about potential risks. The litigation process is still in its early stages, with initial complaints and discovery phases underway.


Used as an herbicide for weed and grass control, Paraquat has been linked to Parkinson’s disease. 

  • Litigation Status: Claims against the manufacturers of Paraquat are growing in number. The MDL is in Illinois, and the first bellwether trial is set for October 2023. Attorneys continue to gather evidence to substantiate the link between the herbicide and the neurological disease.

3M Earplugs:

Certain 3M earplugs sold to the military between 1999 and 2015 were defectively designed, leading to hearing loss or damage among service members. 

  • Litigation Status: 3M has faced hundreds of thousands of lawsuits, with some already having reached verdicts in favor of the plaintiffs. 3M agreed to pay $6.01 billion to settle lawsuits filed by approximately 240,000 U.S. service members and veterans who suffered hearing injuries, including hearing loss and tinnitus, as a result of using the earplugs.

Exactech Knee and Ankle Replacements:

These medical devices, intended to aid those with joint issues, have faced scrutiny and lawsuits over potential defects leading to complications post-surgery. 

  • Litigation Status: Hundreds of patients have come forward with claims against the manufacturer, Exactech, for pain, device failure, and subsequent surgeries. Exactech recalled their products in 2021 and 2022. The litigation is in an MDL in New York, and it is in early stages, with initial complaints and the discovery process in progress.

Why You Should Hire Freedland Harwin Valori Gander

With a proven track record of recovering over $2.6 Billion in verdicts and settlements, we are undoubtedly a leader in the realm of personal injury, medical malpractice, and consumer justice. Our office is located in South Florida, and we are committed to justice as we navigate the complexities of mass tort litigation. 

At FHVG, our team of lawyers has a deep understanding of cases involving defective consumer products, medical devices, and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. With over 20 years of experience, we are the ideal choice for those seeking justice in Florida.  When you’re up against large corporations or big pharmaceutical companies, you need the dedicated and experienced legal team at FHVG on your side to fight for your rights.

What Are the Steps in a Mass Tort Lawsuit?

  1. Identification: Victims identify harm caused by a defective product or drug.
  2. Investigation: A thorough investigation is conducted to understand the gravity and breadth of the issue.
  3. Filing: Lawsuits are filed individually, even though they’re part of a larger group of similar cases.
  4. Pre-trial Proceedings: To streamline the process, cases are combined in state or federal courts.
  5. Negotiations: There might be attempts to reach a settlement before the case goes to trial.
  6. Trial: If no settlement is reached, cases will proceed to trial individually.
  7. Settlement or Verdict: Depending on the outcome, victims may receive compensation based on their individual circumstances.

Other FAQs about Mass Torts

How long does a mass tort lawsuit take?

The duration varies based on the specifics of the cases and the number of plaintiffs involved. Some might settle quickly, while others can take several years.

Do I need to join a mass tort lawsuit if I've been harmed?

While it’s not mandatory, joining a mass tort can increase the chances of getting compensation and ensure your grievances are heard in a court of law.

How do I know if I qualify for a mass tort lawsuit?

If you believe a product or drug has harmed you, it’s best to consult with experts like Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, who can guide you on the eligibility criteria and the next steps.

If you have questions about the legal process and what to expect at Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, visit our legal FAQs page.

Get Started on Your Claim Today, Contact Freedland Harwin Valori Gander

Mass torts are complex, but with the right representation, victims can secure the justice they deserve. Freedland Harwin Valori Gander is committed to ensuring that justice prevails. Contact us today by calling (954) 467-6400, chatting below, or filling out a form online.

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550 S Andrews Ave
Ste 630
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301


999 Ponce De Leon Blvd 
Suite 1030
Coral Gables, FL 33134